Faculty Development Program Report:
The objective of the faculty development program (FDP) was to motivate faculties for writing quality research paper. Topic of FDP was how to write a qualitative research paper for publishing in a reputed journal. Faculties of Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Management Studies and Research, SVIMS Business School and NKES Degree college attended FDP. Faculty development program was conducted on 5th, 11th and 19th October, 2024. First day FDP Program was conducted on 5th October, 2024 by Prof. Dr. Vishwanath Malji, Associate Professor HR on the topic of research paper, title of research paper and abstract. Detailed presentation and discussion was done on how to select the topic of the research paper, then narrowing down the title to specific one and how to write abstract. Abstract should be written with details like purpose, findings, practical implications, value added by research paper, and limitations of study. Abstract should also include 5 keywords.
Second day faculty development program was conducted by Director Dr. Purshottam Patil sir on 11th October, 2024, on the topic of research methodology, data collection and data analysis. He discussed about how to write literature review with insights from preparing the table. Then he presented on objectives of research, statement of purpose, formulating research questions, and searching, examining datasets. Then he discussed about how to find datasets of dependent variable and independent variable from different websites. He explained about secondary data strategies such as formulating questions and then finding relevant datasets. Data analysis discussion and hands on practice done for statistical tool- regression analysis considering dependent variable and independent variable. Microsoft excel was used for calculating p value. Then discussion done about preparing null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.
Third day faculty development program was conducted by Prof. Dhanashree Potey – Associate Professor Marketing, on 19th October, 2024, on the topic of findings, discussion, conclusions, recommendations and references. She explained in detail how to write findings and findings should include written text, tables, graphs and other illustrations. Findings should be linked to the research questions, hypothesis and overall objective of the study. In findings, share relevant data that connect with the goal of the study. Do not overwhelm the reader with too much data/theory and present the findings of study without bias or ambiguity. Maintain logical relationship between objectives of the study, literature review and research methods of your study. Present the results in a structured way and in chronological order. Discussion section will have more details about findings. Conclusion tells about why research is important and it is based on existing knowledge and findings. Conclusion sparks desire to explore further. Recommendations section can have various types of research recommendations such as practical, policy, research, theoretical, methodological and educational. References must be given in APA (American Psychological Association) and AMA (American Marketing Association) style.